When COVID-19 became the overwhelming concern to the world people suddenly were faced with how to handle healthcare decisions for their family? With any illness, if it is severe or lengthy in duration, other family members and friends may need to provide you… more
A Last Will and Testament and a Revocable Living Trust have been the cornerstones of estate and tax planning for individuals living in Florida. With assets of cash, real estate, investments and business interests, the use of a revocable living trust agreement… more
Florida is one of only a few states that recognize an "Enhanced Life Estate Deed" which is commonly known in other states as a "Lady Bird Deed." With the ability to have a life estate deed to pass real estate automatically upon the owner’s death to a named… more
During the past 10 years the public has been hearing repeatedly about “HIPAA”, Healthcare Surrogate Designations, Living Wills and Organ & Tissue Donation. Yet many people do not fully understand what they are for or whether they should have them. Florida… more
With the addition of a reporting requirement of the asset basis/value for Estates, Form 8971 (Schedule A) is now used to report to recipients the basis (value) of inherited assets in compliance with the "consistency rule" of IRC 1014(f). With the consistency… more